Investor Relations

Welcome to the Investor Relations section of Emma Villas S.p.A., organised to respond efficiently and transparently to the information needs of the entire financial community.

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For the storage and filing of Regulated Information made public Emma Villas S.p.A. uses the centralised storage mechanism 1INFO-SDIR, available at 1INFO-SDIR.

Financial Highlights


Admission document

In order to access this website and the admission document, you must read and accept the notice below, which the reader must consider carefully before reading, accessing, or otherwise using the information provided below. By accessing this website, you agree to be subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, and any subsequent updates thereto.

The Admission Document set forth in this section of the website ("Admission Document") is an Admission Document on Euronext Growth Milan, a multilateral trading system organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. ("Euronext Growth Milan"), of the shares ("Shares") of Energy S.p.A. ("Company") and has been prepared pursuant to the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers' Regulations ("Euronext Growth Milan Issuers' Regulations"). The Admission Document and the transaction described therein do not constitute an offer of financial instruments to the public or an admission of financial instruments to a regulated market as defined by Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the Consolidated Law on Finance, Consob Regulation No. 11971 of May 14, 1999, as subsequently amended and supplemented, and the equivalent legal and regulatory provisions applicable abroad.

The information contained in this section of the website is made available pursuant to Articles 3 and 26 of the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers' Regulations.

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Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, defines as a "U.S. Person": (1) any natural person resident in the United States; (2) "partnerships" and "corporations" incorporated and organized under the laws in force in the United States; (3) any property whose directors or managers are a "U. S. Person"; (4) trusts whose trustee is a "U. S. Person"; (5) any agency, branch, or subsidiary of a person located in the United States; (6) accounts of a non-discretionary nature ("non-discretionary accounts"); (7) other similar accounts (other than property or trusts), managed or administered on a fiduciary basis for the account or benefit of a "U. S. Person"; (8) "partnerships" and "corporations" if (i) incorporated and organized under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (ii) incorporated by a "U.S. Person" for the principal purpose of investing in securities not registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, unless incorporated or organized and owned by accredited investors (as defined in Rule 501(a) of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended) who are not individuals, estates or trusts.

The information contained in this website (or in any other site with which this website has hyperlinks) does not constitute an offer, invitation to offer or promotional activity in connection with the actions with respect to any citizen or person residing in Canada, Australia, Japan, South Africa or the United States of America or in any other country in which such acts are not permitted in the absence of specific exemptions or authorizations from the relevant authorities. The shares are not and will not be subject to registration under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended or with any regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the united states of America and may not be offered or sold in the United States of America or to, or for the account or benefit of, a U.S. Person, within the meaning stated above, in the absence of such registration or express exemption from such compliance or in any other country where the offering of shares is restricted under applicable law.

In order to access this website, the Admission Document and any other information contained in the following pages, I declare under my full responsibility that I am a resident of Italy and that I am not currently domiciled or located in the United States of America, Australia, Japan, Canada, South Africa or the Other Countries and that I am not a "U.S. Person" as defined in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

Identification codes and title information
Admission Fee 3,30
Stock Market Euronext Growth Milan
Number of Ordinary Shares 6.969.500
Stock Ticker EAV
ISIN Code IT0005562183
Financial Advisor
EGA and Global Coordinator
Legal Advisor
Auditor and Tax Advisor
BDO Italia

Share Capital and Shareholding

Share Capital

The share capital of Emma Villas S.p.A. is equal to Euro 69.695, divided into 6,969,500 ordinary shares without any indication of nominal value, of which no. The Ordinary Shares of Emma Villas S.p.A. are admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Milan.


The following table illustrates the composition of the shareholding structure, according to the results of the shareholders' register as well as on the basis of the other information available to Emma Villas S.p.A.:

Shareholders Number of shares %
Giammarco Bisogno* 6.000.000 86,09%
Stock Market 969.500 13,91%
Total Amount 6.969.500 100,00%

* Table data as at 30 October 2023

** The shareholder is subject to lock-up for a period of 36 months commencing on 29 September 2023.

Information obligations for significant shareholders

In compliance with Euronext Growth Milan Issuer’s Regulations, whoever holds at least 5% of a category of financial instruments of Energy S.p.A. is deemed to be a “Significant shareholder”.

The reaching or exceeding of the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50%, 66.6% and 90% of the share capital, as well as the reduction below the aforementioned thresholds, constitute, in accordance with the EGM Issuers' Regulations, a "Substantial Change" that must be communicated by the Significant Shareholders to Emma Villas S.p.A. within 4 trading days, starting from the day on which the transaction that entailed the Substantial Change was carried out.

The significant shareholder must report the following to Emma Villas S.p.A.:

  • The identities of significant shareholders involved;
  • The date on which Emma Villas S.p.A. was notified;
  • The date of the Substantial Change in shares;
  • The date of the Substantial Change in shares;
  • The price, amount and category of the financial instruments of Emma Villas S.p.A. implicated;
  • The type and amount of the Significant Shareholder's interest in the transaction, as well as the number of voting rights and the number of ordinary shares held;

To this end, each Significant Shareholder may use the communication forms set forth in the “Transparency Regulations” (as defined in the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulations) with particular regard to the information and communications due from Significant Shareholders. The aforementioned communication shall be made by registered letter with return receipt to be sent to the Company at its registered office in Via Antonio Bertoloni 8, Rome 00197, anticipated by PEC address of the Company Emma Villas S.p.A. .


June 05 2024 KT&Partners: Emma Villas Initiation of Coverage
June 05 2024 Company Presentation
May 28 2024 Company Presentation
February 21 2024 Company Presentation
Nessun Comunicato.

Financial statement and reports

April 15 2024 Relazione del collegio sindacale all’assemblea dei soci
April 15 2024 Relazione sulla revisione contabile del bilancio d’esercizio
April 14 2024 Fascicolo di Bilancio
September 29 2023 Relazione finanziaria semestrale
Nessuna bilancio.

Press Release

SDIR Press Release
July 25 2024 Emma Villas acquisisce il 100% di Domus Rental S.r.l.
June 26 2024 Emma Villas partecipa alla MID & Small Virtual 2024: appuntamento con investitori istituzionali e professionali dal 1 al 5 luglio in streaming
June 06 2024 Dimissioni dalla carica di sindaco supplente
June 03 2024 Emma Villas partecipa al “KT&PARTNERS ANNUAL INVESTORS SUMMIT DAY 2024”, evento organizzato da KT&Partners in collaborazione con Virgilio IR
April 29 2024 L'Assemblea ordinaria e straordinaria degli azionisti approva il bilancio d'esercizio al 31 dicembre 2023 e la destinazione dell'utile d'esercizio
April 14 2024 Emma Villas Spa: messa a disposizione della documentazione relativa all’assemblea del 29 aprile 2024
April 09 2024 Emma Villas si espande nel centro Italia con l'acquisizione di "Marche Holiday Villas"
March 29 2024 Emma Villas: Il Consiglio di Amministrazione approva il progetto di bilancio di esercizio al 31 dicembre 2023
March 29 2024 Emma Villas: il consiglio di amministrazione approva il progetto di bilancio di esercizio al 31 dicembre 2023
January 19 2024 Emma Villas: Calendario Finanziario Eventi Societari 2024
November 20 2023 Emma Villas partecipa all "Mid & Small Milan 2023" dedicata all'incontro fra aziende quotate e comunità finanziaria
October 30 2023 Comunicazione finale dell'attività di stabilizzazione
October 30 2023 Comunicazione in merito all'esercizio dell'opzione Greenshoe
October 23 2023 Stagione 2023 da record. Aumentano sia le prenotazioni che la spesa media dei clienti
October 16 2023 Comunicazione intermedia durante il periodo di stabilizzazione
October 09 2023 Comunicazione intermedia durante il periodo di stabilizzazione
September 29 2023 Il CDA approva la relazione finanziaria semestrale al 30 giugno 2023
September 29 2023 Board of Directors for the approval of the half-yearly financial report as of 30 June 2023
September 28 2023 Emma Villas ammessa alle negoziazioni su EuroNext Growth Milan
Nessun Comunicato.
Price Sensitive Press Releases
May 28 2024 Emma Villas participated in the Websim by Intermonte roadshow dedicated to private bankers, financial advisors and professional investors
May 23 2024 "Summer 2024, Emma Villas observatory: holidays? Within the national borders for more than 8 out of 10 italians. Slow, pet friendly, rich in authentic experiences and outdoor activities." 
May 14 2024 Emma Villas launches “EV Owners club”: an exclusive loyalty programme dedicated to the community of the 600 owners of the tuscan operator. Quality products for the villas, green services, property protection, authentic experiences in Italy and beyond
February 07 2024 “Sustainable tourism: Emma Villas together with E.ON to improve the energy performance of the villas and reduce the environmental impact."
November 06 2023 Emma Villas opens to the international market and launches the "Chiara Travels" portal in London for short-term rentals of villas and residences in foreing locations
Nessun Comunicato.

Shareholders' meetings

April 14 2024 Moduli di Delega
April 14 2024 Relazione Illustrativa
April 12 2024 Avviso di convocazione di assemblea ordinaria e straordinaria degli azionisti di Emma Villas S.p.A.
April 12 2024 Estratto dell'avviso di convocazione di assemblea di Emma Villas S.p.A.
Nessun Comunicato.

Financial calendar

Date Event
June 05 2024 Emma Villas participates in the "KT&Partners Annual Investors Summit Day 2024"
January 19 2024 Emma Villas: Calendario Finanziario Eventi Societari 2024
Nessun Comunicato.

Analyst Coverage

Integrae SIM S.p.A. Mattia Petracca
Edoardo Pezzella
04 April 2023
October 09 2023 Initiation of Coverage

Media Relations

Communication and Relations with private and professional Investors

Investor Relations Advisor

Last Update: 2/22/2024